
Thank you for your interest in joining the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Westfield!

We welcome your involvement. MLK Westfield members are committed to working together to foster equity and challenge racism. MLK Westfield membership requires active participation.




A member of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Westfield (MLK Westfield) is someone who has demonstrated a commitment to the organization through regular participation in a committee or project team and regular attendance at meetings. Members pay annual dues as assessed by the Board of Directors, except for student members, who do not pay dues.

Members agree to:

Maintain regular attendance at group MLK Westfield meetings and participate in meetings of a MLK Westfield committee or project team.

Pay annual dues. Dues for 2022 are $25.00. Student members do not pay dues.

If you cannot commit to the level of participation membership requires, please consider becoming an MLK Westfield donor, sponsor, or supporter. See below for more details.


Administration & Membership —

Help maintain membership roles and contact data; facilitate participation and integration of new members into MLK Westfield; and help plan membership activities.

Annual MLK Day Service —

Our largest committee with many opportunities to help bring our MLK Day Service to fruition in January of each year. Help run the essay, poetry, and art contest for students; organize the reception following the service; help produce the printed program; usher during the service; there are many ways to help out.

Budget/Finance —

Assist the Treasurer with the accounting for the organization and planning for expenditures.

Civil Actions & Special Events —

Plan and execute Civil Actions such as vigils, marches, rallies, and banner displays, and/or Special Events, which are more involved events that require long-term planning and work such as our next Community Discussion on Race.

Educational Initiatives & History —

Work on increasing the involvement of the MLK Westfield organization with the public school system and finding ways that we can be a source of education for the community at large on racial and social justice issues. The ongoing African American History Project and its walking tour are also part of this committee.

Fundraising —

Organize and execute fundraising including our annual donation drive in December/January and smaller efforts throughout the year.

Publicity/Communications (including Social Media) —

Work on communicating our mission to the community. Help write and distribute press releases, organize photo opportunities, manage social media publicity, and work on MLK Westfield newsletter.

Alternative Support Opportunities:



An MLK Westfield donor is someone who makes a financial contribution to the general activities of the organization. A member may also be a donor if they make a financial or in-kind contribution in excess of the regular annual dues.

Deborah Rothman.jpg


An MLK Westfield sponsor is someone who makes a financial contribution to one of the specific programs, projects, or activities of the organization. A member may also be a sponsor if they make a financial or in-kind contribution in excess of the regular annual dues.



An MLK Westfield supporter is someone who participates in the activities of the organization but who has not specifically committed to a committee or project team and has not made a financial contribution to MLK Westfield.


Let’s keep ‘the dream’ alive, together!